The Church continues to be alive and active, but our buildings must close. Here are a few ways we are doing this right now.
Our Sunday Morning online will premiere on Facebook at 9:30am on Sunday and be available on Facebook after and on our website from Mondays.
Sunday Evening Prayer at 7.30pm via Facebook Live
Tots Live at 10.00am via Facebook Live
Contact Us
Please do get in touch if you have any questions, are unwell or have self isolated as we would love to be able to pray for you and support where we can, 0113 267 5567 or email
If you're looking for activities to help facilitate Faith and Spiritual growth at home we've put together some resources for you to use below.
For all our online Sunday Mornings go here
Our Response
PRAY seeking God, speaking to him and listening for his voice.
be PRACTICAL and follow the guidance given by Public Health England
consider other PEOPLE both in how your actions impact them and in how you might offer help and support particularly to the most vulnerable.
to know PEACE, be aware of the reality of the situation but hopeful that God holds it.
continue with PURPOSE, we continue to intentionally be the church and be a "Growing Community, Shaped by Jesus" in the midst of challenging circumstances.
Welcome to
St Paul's Church Ireland Wood
We are an Anglican Church seeking to be a “Growing Community, Shaped by Jesus” for North Leeds and beyond. This means we want people to find a place they can belong, be a part of something that builds and enhances the local community, and discover Jesus and be shaped by him.

17th March 2020 22:04
Following the latest advice from the Church of England, all our public church services and groups will be suspended for the time being.
We will be exploring how we continue to offer prayer and worship through other channels that do not involve gathering, please be checking back here for more details shortly.
Foodbank will continue but will be changing how it operates in order to ensure it continues throughout this challenging time. This will mean that there will not be refreshments and consultation time, instead it will more simply involve receipt of food parcels.
We will offer support and help to people as far as we can and will be working with other local partners to do all that we can to support the community during this time.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions, are unwell or have self isolated as we would love to be able to pray for you and support where we can, 0113 267 5567