Sunday Gatherings
We love to get together as a community to gather in worship on a Sunday. We have two different styles of gathering on a Sunday morning with refreshments served in between at 10:30am so that we can take time to get to know one another better and catch up. We also hold a monthly evening prayer and worship gathering.
There will be people with a yellow "Hello" lanyard on who are there to greet you and help with anything you want to know about the building or what will happen in the service.
You can find out more about Getting Here with details of buses and parking.

Holy Communion
Sunday 9:30am
This is a traditional service with Holy Communion each week (also known as Eucharist). There's a short sermon based on the bible readings and times of prayer and reflection. We share bread and wine together in a part of the service to remember together Jesus life, death and resurrection.
Informal Worship
Sunday 11.00am
A more informal worship service suitable for all ages! We regularly take Holy Communion and also gather for intergenerational "All Age" services, but most weeks we run groups for children aged 2+ which you can find out more about here.

Evening prayer & worship
2nd Sunday of the month 7:30pm
Once a month, we gather in the evening for an hour of prayer and worship. These gatherings are varied in style, trying out different styles of prayer and worship, with less structure than a formal service.
All are welcome, to reflect, relax, connect with God and be encouraged by Him as they start a new week.
Midweek Communion
Tuesday 12pm (midday)
This is a short spoken service with Holy Communion each week (also known as Eucharist).
Afterwards, we catch up and share lunch together.