At St. Paul’s we love children and their families. We are committed to helping children to become and stay God-connected; to resourcing their whole families, so that their lives and homes are shaped by Jesus; to encouraging families to influence the world with the love of Jesus.

Join us at St Paul's on Wednesday mornings from 9:15am for stories and songs, crafts, snacks and lots of fun! All babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers are welcome, with their parents/carers!
St Paul's Tots is on every Wednesday in term time,
Follow our St Paul’s Tots Facebook page for more information and updates.
Sunday Kids Groups Informal Worship
Sunday | 11am
Come and worship God with us on a Sunday! Our 11am service is a relaxed yet vibrant worship service suitable for all ages, with kids groups for children aged 2+.
The groups we run are:
Preschoolers aged 2 to 4
School years Reception to Year 2
School years 3 & 4
School years 5 & 6
School years 7+ Youth
We also have intergenerational "All Age" services on the 4th Sunday of the month.