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Update 2nd March 2021

As we entered Lent on Ash Wednesday, we read from the book of Joel in the Old Testament. It has been open on my desk since then and I have been reading bits of it in moments of distraction. Joel’s words of prophecy from God begins with lament - sadness over the ruin of the nation as so much is stripped away; it turns to repentance and prayer before we hear the response and promise of God; culminating in the Spirit of God poured out and the proclamation of a future hope. It is deeply poetic connecting both perseverance through suffering and lavish blessing with an ever present God. As a book it speaks both into the season of lent looking to Jesus resurrection at Easter and the Holy Spirit poured out at Pentecost but it also speaks to our heart, our conscience, our world, and our culture. It is leading me in prayer this lent and it is not always comfortable but it does lead to hope.


On the theme of signs of hope…


After last weeks announcement of the plan for lifting restrictions on lockdown, PCC met to discuss when St Paul’s would return to holding in-person services in light of the plan.


The PCC decision was that we would resume services on Good Friday.


So for the Easter weekend it will look like this:


Good Friday 2nd April:

9:30am - Spoken Communion

3pm - Family Worship

4pm Family Worship


Easter Sunday 4th April:

9:30am - Spoken Communion

3pm - Family Worship

4pm Family Worship


We are asking for people to book into these services. If there is a high demand for them we can look at adding in additional services.


We hope that we might see you over Easter, but as ever, we must each go at our own pace based on our own circumstances. If you do have any questions or want to be in touch, we would love to hear from you.


Every blessing,



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